About Jackie

About Jackie
A hugely warm welcome and thank you for joining me

It is my purpose, and lesson, in life to live as truthfully and purposefully as I possibly can and to encourage others to do the same. And this can only ever come from a place of love.

I am Jackie Knowles, a Usui Reiki practitioner based in Bolton and it brings me great joy to be here and share Reiki with you.

There have been a couple of related and very powerful events that were certainly catalysts for opening up to this healing path as I now know it, but it has always been there, calling, albeit gently, and waiting for the right time to be answered.

My personal healing journey began when I was forced to slow down. To begin with, it was undeniably painful. But over time, I began to realise that I had been given a beautiful gift. And my focus began to shift from the doors that had closed to the doors that had opened.

There was no conventional 'test', 'fix' or ‘tablet’ for what I was experiencing, so I embarked on a healing journey of my own which led me to a devoted meditation practice; spiritual faith; deep connection with Mother Earth and nature; natural supplements and plant medicine; profound changes in diet and lifestyle; holistic therapies and the invaluable support of intuitive and energy work.

I feel fortunate to have become aware of more holistic and sacred approaches to healing alongside the benefits of Western conventional medicine, grateful for all the incredible people who enrich my life and hugely blessed to be paying this forward.


  • meeting a Spiritual Guide in a Hare Krishna restaurant in London
  • to Energy Healing guidance, workshops and an Introduction to Intuitive Healing course with a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Intuitive Mentor based in Canada
  • to sacred Shamanic Healing work in Peru and Spain
  • to being guided to my Buddhist Reiki Master in London

this tapestry of beautiful energy brought me back to my hometown of Bolton – and perhaps to you – so that you, too, may be a part of this healing and awakening journey.

In addition, I am also a professional actor and qualified teacher with over 20 years' experience in education, both of which have deepened further my understanding of the human spirit.

My acting work continues to form an important part of my spiritual path and constantly encourages my heart to open further.

For me, at the core of healing, acting and teaching, and indeed life, is the gift of purest, felt connection to the world around us - tuning into the essence of another, openness and understanding, and reaching out to touch upon truth.

And it would be a privilege to help you to reconnect with your truth.

Everyone has the power to heal.

Everyone has their purpose.

Everyone has a light to shine.

Thank you for being you. You are enough.

I hope to hear from you whenever the time feels right.

Jackie Xx

"To cure and heal one's True Self" Mikao Usui