May we all lift one another 

What is a Reiki treatment?

A Reiki treatment is a gentle, non-intrusive, hands-on energy healing technique that has been traditionally used for many years to channel and guide the flow of this positive Life Energy through the hands of a qualified practitioner into the body of the recipient to encourage healing, calm and wellbeing on all levels.

There are various forms of energy healing, though it is only referred to as 'Reiki' when formally initiated into and taught by a qualified Reiki Master. There are also various forms of Reiki; the oldest and most known is the Usui System with Mikao Usui being attributed as the founder of modern Reiki, 100 years ago. The Reiki treatment I offer is of this lineage, with great privilege.

What can Reiki help with?

Reiki is a holistic approach to healing, helping to rebalance the entire system and not just treat the symptoms and; therefore, has the potential to support the healing of any condition.

The following are some examples that Reiki may help with:

  • Stress, anxiety and tension
  • Reducing symptoms of depression
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches/migraines
  • General aches, pains and cramps
  • Circulation issues
  • Digestive issues
  • Addiction
  • ADHD
  • OCD symptoms
  • Menstrual pain/menopause
  • Grief/loss
  • ‘End of Life’ peace and acceptance
  • Pregnant women and their unborn child/ren
  • Preparing for childbirth
  • Strengthening energy flow and immunity
  • Supporting recovery from illness/injury/operations
  • Promoting a sense of calm, clarity and confidence
  • Supporting positive personal changes
  • Enhancing balance and creativity

What happens during a treatment?

You will be asked to lie fully clothed, except for the removal of your shoes, on a Reiki table (like a massage table).

Typically, around half the session will be on your back and the remainder on your front. If lying on your front or back is uncomfortable for you, please let me know and we can adjust accordingly together. No issue at all :)

I shall gently place my hands on your body in specific positions traditional of the Usui System of Natural Healing, which shall form the basis of each treatment, in combination with responding to any specific needs that you may have and being guided by my highest intuition throughout.

Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor perform or prescribe medical treatments or substances – it is purely to channel Reiki into your body to help enable it to heal.

Do I have to do anything in a Reiki session?

Absolutely nothing. Just gift yourself this time to be and let me hold the space for you to connect and heal :) It is my privilege.

What should I do before and after a treatment?

Before a treatment, it is helpful:

  • To avoid heavy meals 1-2 hours before a treatment
  • To be hydrated
  • Not to have planned a busy schedule immediately afterwards
  • To allow yourself to be as you are and just be open to whatever the session may bring. No need to do anything.

After a treatment:

  • Please drink plenty of water to help to cleanse the body, remove toxins and assist the flow of energy.
  • Give yourself at least 10mins before driving off - perhaps go for a little walk or sit quietly in your car.
  • If possible, go gently for the remainder of the day, especially in the few hours following, to benefit most greatly from the relaxation and healing state achieved during the session.

Your energies may also feel a little more open and sensitive and so to avoid overwhelming stimuli would be kind to yourself! A rushed trip to the Trafford Centre may be better for another day, if possible!

  • Feel free to jot down any thoughts/feelings that may arise after the treatment to bring to the next session should you feel this would be helpful. Though, this is not necessary.
  • Many people report feeling a deep sense of calm and relaxation, or uplifting, following a treatment; though occasionally people may feel a short-term increase in symptoms, need to sleep/rest, headache/general aches, increased urination or emotional release.

These should not cause alarm and are seen as indicative of the body’s natural healing response and letting go. Please go gently. It will pass.

  • It is a beautiful opportunity to really listen to and honour what your body needs. And even perhaps to practise gratitude for the healing and shifts taking place.

However, should you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me or, if you feel it may be unrelated, please contact your physician (doctor).

How long is a Reiki session?

A standard treatment is 1 hour - 1 hour 15 mins.

I like the treatment to be as long as possible – 1 hour – with a little transition time afterwards and for any questions should they arise. I prefer to keep discussion less prevalent so that you really experience the Reiki through feeling it, rather than trying to analyse it.

Of course, should you wish to share or ask me anything at any point during our session together, please do and I shall do my best to respond!

I now also offer an extended treatment time of 1 hour 35 mins for clients wishing to share/discuss before a treatment. Please see Fees page for details.

How many sessions would I need?

This will vary from person to person, circumstance to circumstance.

A single session may be sufficient.

For more long-standing, deep-rooted issues, multiple sessions are usually recommended for maximum benefit. I would suggest starting with a course of 3 or 4, fairly close together if possible.

How often?

As previous, this will vary.

If coming for a course of sessions, you may feel that a few treatments close together initially would be most effective, and then perhaps more spaced out following this. A series of 3 or 4 sessions is a good starting point.

Sessions could be weekly (advisable to begin with), fortnightly, monthly or just when you feel the urge! :)

Some clients may even wish to experience Reiki treatments on 3/4 consecutive days should this be possible - almost like a Reiki retreat! Which has the potential to inspire more accelerated healing.

Receiving regular Reiki can promote a calmer and clearer approach to life and its inevitable challenges, encourage a deeper sense of wellbeing and connection, and help to keep our bodies in balance.

What is distant Reiki?

It is often a concept challenging for us to grasp but because we are all connected through this Universal web of energy, it is also wonderfully possible to send Reiki over a distance.

An initiated practitioner is able to tune in and connect to the energy of the recipient in order to channel Reiki into their body in a similar way to hands-on healing.

Very useful when it is difficult for someone to be physically present for hands-on healing, or for children or animals for whom staying still or getting close to may be an issue!

What do Reiki treatments feel like?

Each person experiences Reiki differently depending upon their needs at that time.

Most common is a feeling of deep relaxation and wellbeing.

Recipients may or may not feel sensations.

Popular feedback reported includes:

  • deep relaxation, sometimes described as ‘floaty or dreamy’
  • calm, peace, wellbeing
  • comforting, supportive
  • grounding
  • realigning
  • warmth/heat
  • gentle tingling/fizzing
  • opening and connecting
  • releasing - energetically, emotionally, physically
  • occasionally seeing colours or even images

What is a healing crisis?

Occasionally, people may experience an emotional response either during a treatment or soon afterwards. This should not cause alarm or worry and simply indicates that shifts are taking place, release is occurring and harmony is being restored.

There is also the occasional possibility of experiencing a physical response – sometimes referred to as a ‘healing crisis’ - indicating a release of blockages and removal of toxins. As toxins are being cleared through one’s body, a client may experience one or two short-term side-effects such as headache, body ache, nausea, tiredness, increased thirst, increased urination.

It is not possible for Reiki to cause harm to a person and all are indications of cleansing and healing.

These symptoms are short-lived (usually 24-48 hours) and helped by rest, eating light nutritious food and drinking plenty of water. Just be kind to yourself and try to focus on a sense of gratitude for the healing taking place. It will pass. You are doing well :)

If you have any concerns, please feel free to get in touch. If you feel the symptoms may be unrelated or particularly severe, please contact your GP for medical advice.

What should I wear?

Just be comfortable – think cosy and warm :)

Will I be asked to remove any clothing?

Just glasses – if you feel comfortable doing so – and shoes.

Clients remain fully clothed throughout.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

You may like to bring warm socks for that extra cosy feel.

Is Reiki just for when people are unwell?

No, definitely not! :)

Receiving regular Reiki can promote a greater sense of wellbeing on all levels, helping us to connect more deeply to our true essence and live life from a place of peace, love and joy! 

Is it a miracle cure?

Reiki must not be regarded as a miracle cure and cannot claim to cure illnesses/ailments.

However, the effects and healing some people may experience can sometimes feel a little ‘magical’ ;)

And though it cannot profess to cure from a medical perspective, feedback suggests it most certainly can help to activate and accelerate one’s own healing response; support people during their recovery; offer relief during times of stress, pain and discomfort; encourage subtle shifts in perspective; and bring comfort, peace and acceptance to those at 'end of life'.

Is Reiki scientifically proven to be effective?

There are huge amounts of anecdotal evidence from people who have received Reiki treatments and now some scientific-based evidence is also available to support this.

There is much fascinating information found on The Center for Reiki Research website, citing scientific studies conducted and assessed that demonstrate the positive effects of Reiki on their patients.

Our Research – CRR (centerforreikiresearch.com)

Who can receive Reiki?

Anything made up of energy! All people (including babies, children, women during pregnancy), animals, plants...

Is Reiki a religious practice?

Reiki is open to ALL regardless of faith.

You do not need to have any particular belief system to receive Reiki. It is open to all. Like Love.

Nor will Reiki intervene with your current belief system, only enhance your connection here.

Are there are contraindications?

There are no known contraindications.

Reiki is regarded as a safe, gentle, non-intrusive holistic treatment.

Can Reiki be used in conjunction with conventional medicine and other forms of complementary medicine?

As taken from the Reiki Council website,

Reiki can be used safely in conjunction with allopathic or conventional medicine. It may help to speed up recovery times and reduce some uncomfortable symptoms, such as after surgery.

Reiki can complement many different forms of treatment and can often help smooth the healing process.

Reiki is becoming more and more widely recognised by western medicine and a number of NHS Trusts in the UK have begun to invite Reiki practitioners into their hospitals to work with patients, particularly cancer patients, to ease discomfort, support physical and mental wellbeing and bring a sense of calm during their intensive hospital treatments.

What should I do if I feel unwell before a booked treatment?

If you’re feeling unwell with symptoms which may be contagious such as cold/flu/vomiting, it is kindly requested that you re-schedule. There will be no charge for this.

And we can, of course, do it as a distant healing session instead if you feel you would like this.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please just be as considerate as circumstances allow and contact me as soon as possible should you need to reschedule. No worries.

Thank you. I shall honour the same.

Please note, should my acting work ever coincide with an appointment, I shall always rearrange with you at your earliest convenience and offer a 10% discount for your patience and understanding. Thank you so much.

I’m not sure if I should try it or not?

Reiki has the potential to help bring us closer to our true, complete selves, creating, sometimes subtle but, meaningful shifts where we can feel supported and life can begin to feel a little more magical again :)

It’s open to everyone! All walks of life! There is no judgement... and I welcome you exactly as you are.

There really is nothing to lose, other than a little stress and tension! ;)

Can anyone be a Reiki healer?

Yes. Though it feels fair to say that some people seem to be born with a natural affinity to heal, or later intuitively drawn to or triggered to open up to this gift of healing as their soul's purpose here, we certainly all have the potential to heal, both ourselves and others.

To be specifically qualified in the art of Reiki, healers must receive attunements from a qualified Reiki Master which opens up the student to this beautiful, unlimited supply of Universal Life Force Energy.

Why do you choose to do this?

Because I truly believe in it and feel a calling to do this. It excites me to feel I may be able to help someone to feel more complete again.

I can feel how tension melts away under my hands” - Krishni Borang (a Reiki Master in the same lineage as myself) wrote this and I feel exactly the same. It’s beautiful.

I feel incredibly blessed to connect with people in this way and it feels like I am connecting with their soul. Pure ‘You’. Highest, most beautiful you. And that is an absolute joy and honour. Thank you.

Disclaimer: Reiki cannot be offered as a cure or substitute for medical or psychological treatment. The information provided on this website, expressed or implied, is for information purposes only; it is not given as medical advice. If you have a health issue, question or medical emergency, you are advised to consult your doctor. Reiki is not an alternative or substitute for any medication you are taking or have been prescribed. Always consult your doctor or physician regarding your medication. Thank you.

"To cure and heal one's True Self" Mikao Usui