
We all hold the light within

I have had the enormous pleasure of knowing Jackie for several years, but only recently did I experience reiki with her. Jackie brings intense humanity and understanding into her interactions with people - whether as friends, colleagues or clients. I have sought reiki multiple times in my life for healing and help to shift overall energy - and I can say without hesitation that Jackie is the most gifted practitioner I have experienced. She has a wonderful energy that almost holds you as you get settled and move into the session. She was able to help me release so much stale and stagnant emotions. I only wish I lived closer to Jackie - I would be seeing her weekly! She is a shining star!

Kate, Connecticut, USA

Just to add... I can now also attest to her gift for "logging in" to my energy system from a distance! As I hiked here recently in the US, Jackie indicated the time she would begin. Moments after, I felt a lightening for the rest of the hike and also a cleansing. That night, I slept better than I had for some time.

Kate, Connecticut, USA

Having never had a raki session before I didn’t know what to expect. Jackie made me feel super comfortable and relaxed the entire time. She is an incredibly intuitive practitioner, not only did the raki session make me feel recharged and relaxed but her presence and warmth regularly gives me the fresh energy I need, before I know I need it! Her wealth of knowledge is truly inspiring! I highly recommend!

Katy, London, UK

I would highly recommend Reiki with Jackie. Some months ago I was suffering with some circulation problems, all of which eased considerably after one reiki session with Jackie. The session was very calming and peaceful and I felt much better in myself generally afterwards. Very much recommended!

Abi, Wigan, UK

"To cure and heal one's True Self" Mikao Usui