Welcome to Energy of Light Reiki Practice

Welcome to Energy of Light Reiki Practice
All is Connected. You are Loved.


Thank you so much for being here.

Synchronicity has become a huge part of my life – signposts that shine like the stars - and if you’ve stumbled across this, perhaps too, it is not just by chance.

Anyone can access Reiki. It can support a spiritual journey beautifully, but you do not have to feel that you are on a spiritual path and it is not assigned to any particular religious faith. It is Universal Energy that works with each individual on all levels and is accessible to all.

Everyone has the power to heal. Both themselves – and others.

I feel very blessed that my own healing journey continues and that I have now opened up to the gift of helping others to heal themselves also.

We are all here on the journey of our soul's evolution.

As humans, we may, sometimes, feel broken, fragmented, but our souls are always complete with our truth. We are born from the Light and return to the Light. And it would be a privilege and joy to help you to feel this completeness and light once again.

Your soul knows it. Your soul is it. It’s just allowing the chatter of the mind to quieten, the pure energy to flow from the heart and the vast space within to be uncovered.

We live in this modern world where the accumulation of facts and information alone is often synonymous with intelligence rather than intuition being our ultimate wisdom. Where greater emphasis is placed on cognitive reasoning, mental analysis and doing rather than spiritual wisdom, emotional intelligence and being. Where greater value is placed on material wealth, on status and fame, and on constant external validation over simple pleasures, genuine fulfilment and internal peace.

The focus on more and lack regularly dominates gratitude and satisfaction, and stuck in this perpetual cycle, happiness is often shortlived and the 'answer' is always just out of reach.

As a society, we are susceptible to being constantly distracted by external demands and to becoming increasingly disconnected from our true selves.

But, we only need to stop and let the soul be heard to know the way.

It would be a privilege to hold this quiet space for you to listen to your heart again. In the depths of stillness, lies the magic.

I welcome you with open arms and gentle hands :) to come and be still with me for a while and we can explore this beautiful place together as you rest and encourage healing in your body, and once again allow the light to shine within.

Thank you for being you.

Without you, the world would not be the same.

Keep on shining and believe you can,

Jackie Xx

"To cure and heal one's True Self" Mikao Usui