What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?
In the depths of stillness, lies the magic

Reiki is a form of energy healing.

It is an ancient Japanese system of natural healing which is becoming more and more prevalent throughout the modern world.

The technique is based on the principle that a practitioner channels and guides Universal Energy through their hands into the recipient; charging them with the highest form of energy to help activate the recipient's own natural healing abilities and encourage flow, calm and wellbeing on all levels.

It is a holistic approach to healing, helping to rebalance the entire system and not just treat the symptoms and; therefore, has the potential to support the healing of any condition.

To share a few examples here, Reiki has been known to support people during recovery of illnesses and injuries; offer relief from stress, depression and anxiety conditions; soothe aches, pains and tension; and bring comfort to those at 'end of life'.

Sometimes, 'healing' is in the acceptance of a situation and finding a genuine, deep sense of peace within.

Reiki literally translates as:

Rei: Universal/ Higher Power/ God/ Oneness/ Life Force - whichever sits most comfortably with you and

Ki: Life Energy.

So, Rei-ki is Universal Energy or Divine Energy or Higher Energy or The Life Force of the Universe.

Sometimes this is referred to by other terms.

For instance, in China as Qi or Chi, in India as Prana or Shakti and in areas of Science as Biofield energy; however, it is this same, pure Universal Energy, this Life Force, that connects all matter in the Universe and flows within us all.

We may say we are alive because we have an energy, a life force, flowing through us. It nourishes our entire being - our organs, each cell, supporting their vital functions.

When this energy becomes disrupted in some way, albeit physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, it diminishes our optimal function.

Channeling Reiki can help to restore this. It is a non-intrusive, open-to-all spiritual practice that both encompasses and transcends all - or no - religious faiths.

It is accessible to everyone. For everyone. Like giving and receiving Love.

Further information is available on the FAQs page.

“To cure and heal one’s True Self” Mikao Usui